Thursday, April 13, 2006

Word of the Day: Uncouth

Maybe it's the warm spring air blowing through my house, or the fantastic curry vegetable leftovers from dinner the other night (man I love my veggies), or the uplifting music blasting on my hi-fi, I don't know - but whatever it is I am in a fantastic mood.

I just had a ballbuster of a run, where I got a few miles from home and my legs started sending my brain the old "... ---...". That's S.O.S. if you don't know. I can't blame my legs though, it could have had something to do with the fact that I pushed myself a little too hard yesterday or that I drank a huge chocolate milk right before I went out. Oops, who knew it wasn't the same as Gatorade. Of course, after I had made the decision to head back and call it, I got my legs back and I was Cah-Roosing.

Enough about running, I'm sure most of you don't care. My plans for the evening are fairly simple: finish dinner, buy some dessert, buy a huge latte, eat the aforementioned dessert, watch some quality comedic programming, col' chill, go to bed. HECOW, I'm counting on you to provide my evening with hilarity (supplemental to the televised hilarity) and debauchery. I'll bring the bauchery, you debaucherize it!

And another thing, the word uncouth is extremely hilarious to me. One day during lunch with The Lunch Crew, we decided that this word was funny. Partly because only snooty people use it, but mainly because the only way to define it is "Having no couth", which lends itself directly to "Devoid of all couth". Genius. Pure genius.

The next time you go to say the word uncouth, feel free to tell people what it means; devoid of all couth.

Placatan, bitches!

Old Coot has spoken.

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"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre