Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm Even-Stevens!

Evening Update

Karmic redemption is mine. I knew if I just maintained a positive attitude, good things would come my way. And oh how good those things were.

First, I used this afternoon's rain as an excuse to load up my iPod with some good ole tunes. Granted, I screwed one album up, but next time I sync up that'll be corrected.

After the rain, I headed out to take part in 10-Miler Day. I can't say for certain if I actually ran 10 miles or not, but my estimate is 10 miles and it took me 80 minutes. I run about an 8-min mile so that would be just about right.

As I first started out, some punk highschool soon-to-be-dropout stoner longhair leaned out of his rusted out Jeep Cherokee to offer the following words of encouragement: "You're fat!" Now, had I not been listening to Wu Tang Clan, I probably would have let it slide off my back, but I returned the compliment with the basic "Fuck You" complete with middle finger extension. Asshole!

Minutes later, I was encouraged by the honking from a car containing two broads. They might have been honking at some squirrels, but since the squirrels don't care, I'll take the credit. Heeeeyyy!

After my run, I prepared what was to be the most delicious chicken I've had in a long time. So delicious was it, that I took a picture of it before eating. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the three breasts I had defrosted (ha ha, breasts) but I turned on my creativity and came up with the following. You should grab a napkin to catch the drool.

First I butterflied (butterflyed, butterflew?) the breasts and layed down a few slices of sundried tomatoes (ha ha, breasts). Then, I covered that with a slight drizzle of olive oil and some fresh ground pepper. On top of this went thinly sliced portobello mushrooms, crushed garlic and parmesan cheese. I closed up the chicken and drizzled a little more olive oil (I love me some olive oil) and sprinkled the tops with rosemary garlic seasoning. This went into the oven for 25 minutes (just enough time to shower, shave and throw on some jams).

I accompanied stuffed chicken with some mixed vegetables and a slice of whole wheat bread (appropriately shredded by the pat of butter). This was all washed down by some vanilla soy milk.

mmm MMM bitches! This is MY chicken, made painstakingly by ME! Old L. COOT! It'll fill you UP! You'll be licking fingertips in NO time.

Okay, enough of the Chapelle Show parody. I'm gonna make a damn fine wife for some lucky lady one day. Hmmm, I wonder what those squirrel-honkers are doing?

Alright, I'm funna chill out for a bit and get my delf to bed. Later players.

Over and out,
Old Coot

P.S. I found a $5 bill in an old coat today. PlacaTAN! That's going right into my dollar glass, to be spent one day on something kickass.

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"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre