Animal Crackers, How Do I Love Thee?
In no particular order...
- Your satisfying crunch
- Your fun animal shapes
- Your more fun misshapen animal shapes
- Your light, sweet deliciousness
- Your ability to withstand dietary fads despite being made of enriched flour, sugar, partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and other lesser ingredients
- The smiles on all of the animals' faces, even ones who probably can't smile in real life
- Your ability to meld in flavor with milk, coffee, tea and even water
- The way you cling to my molars, providing me with invaluable tooth-digging opportunities
- Your gram of fiber
- The way people take me less seriously when I'm eating your fun shapes
- Your fun circus wagon packaging (although my current package is just a bag)
- Your bloggibility
- The way your finest qualities are so listable
- The way you look good indoors and out
- and so on
Thanks for listening while I ate my afternoon snack. Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Good night and good luck,
Old Coot
Oh, man, my chuckle muscles are worked out today!
By the way, I think it's spelled "bloggability." Or is that "blogability"?
I think you're right. I was torn between 'bloggibility' and 'bloggability' and in a moment of indecision opted for the former. I'm sorry to have let you down.
Correction: Yesterday's Animal Cracker post should have used the word 'bloggability'.
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