Wednesday, June 14, 2006

No Chicks, No Riches, Just Mosquitos

Yesterday was designated as a day of rest for me. I was going to bum around the house, wash my car, clean my filth-hole of a house and so on. Instead I went running with a couple of CRG ladies and some other girl I didn't know (but did wash my car). I think she's on a track/cross-country team that one of the women coaches. I was lured to the run with promises of riches and single women. Technically, this girl may have been single but she also looked to be all of about 16 yrs old, so she didn't count. I received no tangible riches. In summary, I was duped.

So I don't want to brag or anything, but yesterday I was a superhero. Well, I'm not sure the suffix 'hero' applies since I didn't rescue any damsels from pterodactyl attacks, help any old ladies across the street or pluck any cats from precarious tree branches. But akin to superheroes, I whooped some mountain ass.

Our run yesterday took us into Kirvin Park which has a nice, gentle rolling start then BAM! over a mile of steep uphill rocky trail. Plus, to make it worse, you go up and up and up and when you see what appears to be the end of the uphill section, you hang a left and head uphill. This section is extra rocky and treacherous, plus mad steep. Then, you get to the end of this leg, hang a left and head uphill. Surrisly, at this point you've turned roughly 180 degrees and somehow you're still going up. Come to think of it, the uphill section must be more than a mile because the whole run is 7 miles. Hmmm.

Common sense tells you that if you're going uphill and you turn around you should be going downhill, but common sense and physics don't apply to CRG runs. Anyway, I've done this run a few times now and it seems to be longer and steeper every time. But yesterday I was NOT the weakest link. I was tired, drenched in sweat and winded, but I probably could have done it non-stop. The only breaks we took were to wait for people to catch up, and one time we just turned around and ran back to meet them. So there! I'm not trying to brag or anything, but I'm freaking diesel.

Well, after that I sat out in the front yard and had some green and red peppers with horseradish dipping sauce for dinner. The pork roast and jambalaya didn't sound too appealing to me (I've had it for two dinners and two lunches so far) so I wussed out and had a plate of veggies. Plus Strawberry/Blackberry Crisp with Vanilla Ice Cream for dessert.

Mmm MMM bitch!

Around 9:00 I was DONE. I dozed a little but then got hooked on this PBS show about some journalist in Iraq. His story was pretty interesting, as was what he had to say about the war over there. I'm not going to recap it for you, but let it suffice to say it held my attention. At 10:00 I went to bed and layed there not falling asleep for about an hour and a half. WHAT GIVES?! I was tired, I was laying in bed with the lights off, I wasn't worrying about anything; that was bush league!

So now I'm tired, hungry and itchy. I forgot to mention I didn't wear any bug spray in the trail I lovingly call "Mosquito Alley". I was late and they were waiting for me, so I didn't bother putting any on, a big mistake. At least the silk worms were gone.

Well, that's it folks. I'll holler at you later.

Over and out,
Old Coot

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"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre