Friday, June 02, 2006

I Told You So

Boy, I had some real ball-busters for comments yesterday. As promised, I re-googled the word 'Placatan' and it came up with the picture you see here. If you would like a closer look, feel free to click on it. My conclusion on this matter: PlacaTAN!

I don't have a lot to talk about today so I'll see what I can do to come up with a few items of monology.

Item 1: I ordered some stuff for my bike yesterday. I've been saving for a road bike for a long time now, and since I've started mountainbiking I haven't found a need for one. So I broke down and bought myself some toys to make riding more enjoyable. For starters, I got some clipless pedals. Those are the ones that - despite the name 'clipless' - clip into your shoes. With the power biking I've been doing, my feet keep slipping off the pedals leaving me with huge gashes down the back of my leg (see the other day's post).

I also noticed when I started riding this year that my tires are pretty shot. There seems to be a good amount of tread left, but the rubber is cracking in what looks like your basic case of dry rot. This is a recipe for disaster in my book, plus they aren't very good tires to begin with. So I got some hot new tires for my riding pleasure, both come highly rated and are specific for front/rear wheels. Neat!

Lastly, I ordered some shorts. I have a pair of cycling shorts with the baggy look. They work fine and dandy, but are just too much short on hot days; the two layers is just too much. So we'll see how these other ones work out, and if they're decent I'll consider some more.

Since it's now taken me two days to put this post together, I'll add that I after work yesterday (Friday) I went and picked up some shoes to go with the new pedals. You need actual cycling shoes, so I scooped up a pair at Arcadian Shop. They were slightly more than I was looking to spend, but I've had the money for so long I figured I might as well spend it. Plus I have a feeling there is a difference between the cheap, entry level shoes and the better, more expensive shoes. Now I just have to wait until Monday when my shipment gets in and I'll be riding in style. Booyeah!

Item 2: These mosquito bites are out of control. I itch from head to toe. I have bites all over my legs, arms, back, even some on my forehead, head-head, next to my eye, the back of my neck, e'erwhere. At least the sunburn has gone away so itching those isn't a double-edged sword.

Item 3: I have bruises all over that I don't recall getting. Now that my drinking days are over, I can't blame that. My only guess is that I'm so diesel I can withstand a beating without even flinching. My tender, juicy skin on the other hand bruises up in response. Damn, why must my skin be so luscious?

That's all I got for ya. Let's hope this rain ends soon so I can get back to work on my porch.

Over and out,
Old Coot


Abbey said...

Sorry. My Google is also Google Japan, which makes a difference. I withdraw my claims. Your humble servant, Abbey

Todd said...

Ab, I forgive you. You folks in the East (East-East) don't do things the way we Western folks do. Maybe if you had a better understanding of other cultures, you'd know that our Google might search differently than yours.

John, you're a nerd. Yes, Visual Basic is written in a dialect of English known as "Visual Basic".

Me, I'm so great. My expertise on everything is indisputable; I am infallable.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre