Monday, March 05, 2007

The Skiing Nun

Yesterday morning I found myself skiing out at Notchview again. Before anyone asks, my Check Engine, AKA Warning, You're Going to Windsor light went on. It was pretty much business as usual until I came across something that almost made me pee my tights.

That's a Big God Damned Hat

Here I am, gracefully trekking through the woods in the freshly groomed, freshly powdered woods of Windsor, MA. I came down a little hill when what did mine eyes see but a woman in a big ass white knitted sombrero.

Now, I know women from Vail, New Jersey, Connecticut and even New York City wear some funky getups after skiing. They have their woolly mammoth boots, fur-lined everything, and so on and so forth, but I never thought I'd see a knitted sombrero WHILE skiing.

Unfortunately, as I got closer it turned out that she just had a white knitted hat (of standard proportions) with a big snowy branch behind her. Man, that would have been SWEET!

Over and Out,
Old Coot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brian turned me on to your blog and I must say I am so very sorry that I was unable or should I say didn't take the time to talk to you in Vegas at his wedding. I am kicking myself now for not having experienced in person the wit of Todd otherwise known as "Rantings of an Old Coot". I hope to one day have the opportunity to do so. So in the meantime, keep the creative rantings coming!! I am having a blast "surrisly"! - Brownsuga

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre