Old Man Winter came to visit the Berkshires one last time (I hope) today and he brought with him an extra suitcase packed with snow. To put things into perspective for you, it was almost 70 degrees two days ago. I ran in shorts and a t-shirt and was HOT. It was in the 20s today and we're getting a serious wallop of snow.By the Hairs of My Chinny Chin Chin
After work today I had to make a decision between going directly to bed or heading out into a blizzard to run. If you've been paying any attention for the last few years you'll know that I opted for the latter. Sure, I was wicked tired but who can resist running in a blizzard. Plus it wasn't really all that cold, upper 20s with only a little wind.
I decided to take it easy today since it was really supposed to be a rest day. By easy, I mean I went slowly and only ran for an hour through ankle busting trails in Canoe Meadows. Some time before the snow storm, some hikers went through and left hiker footprints. Now that they're covered up I found myself twisting my ankles with every third step. Oh, and my knees. But it was worth it.
At one point there was a stream that ran along the path. I stopped for a few minutes to enjoy the view of the slush chunks floating by in the spring-ripened waters. Like Cheerios, the clumps would slowly get closer and closer until they couldn't stand it anymore and they melded together. If it weren't for the blowing snow I could have stayed there for an hour just watching the water.
True to form, the run back provided a snap back to the reality I tend to forget when I crossed the road to run against traffic. There were cars coming toward me, but they were slow and I had plenty of time to get by. I was donning a bright yellow vest (you'll see it in the pictures) and knew I had no chance of being hit. I trotted across the street and headed for home.
About 20 seconds later the first car drove by (on the other side of the road) and the driver rolled his window down to yell "Ass wipe" at me. As I said, there's no way I cut him off, he was WAY down the road. The reality of it is that he's just a hater and he got what he deserved, a shitload of mother nature (she had my back) in his window. When you roll down your window in a blizzard the snow flies right in. Who's the asswipe now?
So anyway, I finish up the run and gave the driveway round 2 of many rounds of shoveling. I figured I should get a head start on it so it's not so bad in the morning. When I went inside I sort of lollygagged around the house, then went into the bathroom to take a shower. "HO LEE CRAP" I yelled when I saw what was hanging from my face. It was the biggest icicle I've ever seen on a person, so I bolted for the camera. Here's what I captured; click on the picture to see all three.
Well, that's that. Don't forget to wish JD a happy 30th (March 16th). Peace.
Over and Out,
Old Coot
You are ridonculous.
Ya hurrrrd!
Eeeew, you know that noise was salty!
Ab, while I'm sure you'd like to think it was all sweat, I think it was primarily molten snow. It was mad blustery that night. In all fairness though, I didn't taste it so you could be right.
you need to move away from those east coast assholes to a place where they respect runners. just my two-cents. I will keep up the constant nagging to get you closer.
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