Friday, March 16, 2007

Ain't No Half-Stepping

Apparently there was a little confusion regarding the term Jesus-Stepping so I'd like to clear that up while it's still fresh in everyone's mind.

Walking on Water

As we all know, Jesus could walk on water. That's a given. As the saying goes, "The shoes don't make the man" so his Air Jesus kicks are not the reason for his super powers. Nope, the guy was just talented.

My sister commented on my use of "Jesus-Stepping" and wondered if I was referring to that little half-step you sometimes use when you need to cross a puddle. It was Big Daddy Kane who put it best when he said:

Aw yeah
Im with this
Im just gonna sit here laid back to this nice mellow beat, you know
And drop some smooth lyrics
Cause its '88
Time to set it straight, knowwhatimsaying
And aint no half stepping

Ain't no half steppin' indeed.

The puddle across which I Jesus-Stepped was no ordinary puddle that would allow for the simple technique of half-steppin'. No, this was more of a road pond, 30' in diameter and deep enough to soak a shoe.

When I hit the puddle I was at full sprint. My watch clocked me at close to 20 MPH, but it's really a rolling average so it was probably more like 40 MPH. I am certain that when my feet passed over the puddle, not only did I not sink through to the pavement I didn't even disturb the water, just like Jesus does. Ya hurrrrd?!?

Over and Out,
Old Coot

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"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre