Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jump Around!

I just ordered House of Pain's self-titled album "House of Pain". This was the first CD I ever owned and since losing it years ago I have felt a hole in my life. It even came in one of those big ass cardboard CD cases that CDs used to come in. Remember those? I bet I still have it, I'll check when I get home.

I'll be glad to have this puppy back in my collection. Until then there will be no jumping around.

Over and Out,
Old Coot


Abbey said...

HOP was the first CD you ever owned! It is forever linked in my mind with Jennifer Capriati's Tennis. Adavantage Sahvah.

Mike said...

....bringing the total number of CD's actually purchased to 5.

Abbey said...

Did that noise come yet, 'cause I'm ready for a new posting...

Anonymous said...

Wow, HOP; that was even before Whitey Ford started Singing The Blues.

Just remember that "jumping across the ceiling" is probably not classified as acceptable work place behavior.

Unknown said...

It was the wedding reception reminder that spurred this new interest in House of Pain wasn't it? Jumpin around in tuxes, priceless.

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre