Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wednesday is Splend(id) Day

Merry Thursday to all, and to all a good day!

I said good day!

Let me tell you how my day went yesterday. It had the potential to tip the scale towards either fantastic or horrendous, but when the sun poked through the clouds the day swung full-force towards 'fantastic'.

I had my day in court with the Building Inspector and that went pretty much as expected. Having never been to court before (thank God) I was unaware of the process. They whipped through about 30 cases in as many minutes. There was even a chick there in shackles. I mean really, in shackles at Housing Court? But from the way they were handing out warrants for no-shows I'm surprised there weren't more people in the custody of the police. End result of the hearing: I have 45 days to build my porch. An achievable schedule, assuming I get the permit sometime soon.

After work I got home and found ECOW parked in my driveway. I wasn't planning on returning to work after court, so she figured I was available to chill in the midafternoon lawn-perching sun. As I got out of the car, Walker Girl was walking by. I got the smile/wave combo but once again there was some broad (ECOW in this instance) there to pose as "my woman", thus giving the impression that I'm taken. Damn! My only hope is that I'll appear more desirable if she thinks I'm spoken for. Then when I finally get the chance to run her down I can set the story straight and we'll live happily ever after. I just have to get to her before she drinks too much Berkshire water and ends up knocked up (I have to assume it's something in the water).


A short trip to Dunkin Donuts yielded one large coffee, which I drank while mowing the lawn and whacking the weeds. Ideally I would have mowed it twice to do a good job, but it rained. With all of the rain recently, my lawn (like everyone else's) has gotten out of control. I had to raise the deck up again so as not to cut too much off the top. This means it'll need to be cut again soon, not that I mind.

THEN, my bike stand arrived. On top of looking sweet (a nice bright blue paint job), it works great too! I assembled it in minutes, put my bike on it and did some maintenance. What a treat it was to not have to wrestle with the bike while working on it. Plus, the two allen wrenches that came with the stand are the same size as every allen-headed bolt on the bike. Score, travel tools!

After that, I finished up my egg salad, had some melon and went to the store for a few necessities. I was out of bananas and apples, plus had a hankering for some deli meat.

Blueberries were on sale too.

I caught Lost at the 'COW residence (AKA Lost Party Central), went home, showered, went to bed, awoke this morning, yadda yadda yadda. Tonight is the Thursday night run at Kennedy Park, complete with dinner afterwards (I'll play that by ear). I haven't run since Monday so I can use a good hearty stretching of the legs/lungs.

P.S. I'd like to extend a welcome e-handshake to some of the new folks out there in Readerland. There was some heavy activity on the ol' blog yesterday, with a couple of referrals. I hope to keep some of you on as regulars.

P.P.S. Congrats to JC (not Jebus) and BC (not Before Jebus) on the arrival of their newest clan member (not Klan member) KEAC! I'm sure she's a cutie.

Over and out,
Old Coot


Abbey said...

Congratulations on your porch go-ahead. For the record, you may have called earlier, but I'm pretty sure my present got their before yours. Assuming you actually sent one. (highly doubtful)

Abbey said...

Oh my God! I spelled "there" wrong! The same thing happened when I was living in Chile! Aaaagh!

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre