What up playerinos? After the whopper of a day I had yesterday, I was hoping I'd be able to at least recreate half of it. I'm not so sure that I did, but it was a good one nonetheless.Warm as a Mug
I awoke this morning to a sweltering day here in the Berkshires. At first I thought it was the new comforter on my bed, but it turned out to be the simple fact that it was 60-something odd degrees outside. I went out to check the mail in my flannel pajama pants and terrycloth bathrobe and quickly learned that it was about the same temperature outside as it was in. Note to self, turn off the heat and open the windurs (yes, windurs).
With the sun shining, it felt like a warm summer morning. In the shade, it felt like a warm spring morning. Even with the intense wind it was warm all day. I finished up some things around the house that would have been nagging me all winter.A Race that Wasn't a Race, but Was
This afternoon I attended what was to be a race, but not a race, but really a race. We were going to run the Live on the Lake Race route, minus the race. But as an added twist, it would be a race. With my recent "training", I whipped everyone by minutes. I even slowed my roll at one point to let the others catch up so I wouldn't have to run alone. They were just too slow, and I was left with no choice to burn them. Ha ha ha ha haaaaa!Soon to be Cool
You know those cool Bluetooth headsets you see all of the coolest people wearing? Well yours truly ordered one, so I too will soon be cool. Actually, I just got it to use in the car and when I have to make long calls. I don't plan on wearing it all day like some people, just when needed. Oh, and while kayaking. You see, sometimes people call me whilst I'm a-paddling and with a killer headset I'll be able to leave my phone in the dry compartment and not risk dropping it into a lake. Oh technology, why are you so cool? Why?National Geographic Learned Me Something Cool
I have a subscription to National Geographic, courtesy of my enlightened sister. This morning, while I enjoyed my pancakes, I breezed through one of many unread issues.
Originally, I read all about pelicans, but what really caught my fancy was the article about nanotechnology. I'm not going to get all nerdy on you, I'm just going to pass along the way the author conveyed the concept of a nanometer.
First, there was the marble to earth analogy, where the marble represents a nanometer and the earth represents a meter. Super, the marble cliche.
The second, which I enjoyed a little more was that a nanometer was the length a hair grows in the time it takes a man to remove a razor from his face. I'll be damned, that's pretty neat.We Need to See You in Person
Today I got yet another bank statement for an account I have been meaning to close out. About a year ago I went to the credit union to close out all accounts with my name on them. The woman on the other side of the counter interpreted that as "Please just close one".
The deal with this place is that it's a credit union for teachers and people who work at the credit union. The same person whose name I'm in the process of having removed from my mortgage once worked there and we had two joint accounts. Since I am not a teacher, I had to be on her account so that I could open my own, which then had her name on it. The one account that was closed was the latter.
When I got the statement today, I said "Eff this, I gotta get this credit union to stop sending mail with her name on it to my house" and I called the credit union. The guy on the other end of the phone said I had to come in to take care of it, so I dressed as quickly as I could and hauled ass over there. The teller took my name off it without asking for ID, which makes me wonder why I had to drive over there. They could have just as easily not looked at my ID over the phone.
The next order of business was to change the address to her new address so it wouldn't keep coming to my house. The teller said she had to come in (or call) to do that, which I pointed out would not happen since she's not in the area. I gave her the new address and assured her any correspondence sent to me would be promptly thrown away. She asked for a phone number and I relayed how difficult it was to just get the address. My business with that credit union was done; I left. Check another closet-cleaning task off my list!
Well, that's all I got for now. I'm going to get back to watching Kill Bill on my thirty-two inch cathode ray tube. Channel 15 is showing Kill Bill and Kill Bill II back-to-back.
Over and Out,
Old Coot
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Hot Damn it's Hot!
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10:03 PM
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