Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Winds of Change a la Mode

Dearest Coot Fans, sorry for the lagging posts lately but I've been a bit of an outdoors junkie. By the time I finally drag my weary bones into the house, it's so late I don't want to sit at the computer. I just want to eat ice cream and go to bed. I have a few life details I am hesitant to share with the world because, well, I don't restrict who reads my blog. The details of my plan are not the kind I would like to learn on someone's blog, so I don't want any affected person(s) to learn about them via blog. With that being said, you'll get minimal info.

What I can share is that despite not following the path I intended for it to follow, The Summer of Todd has been turning out to be a wonderful ride. The beauty of it is that I purposely set out on TSoT without plans so that no matter what happened I would not be disappointed. I will be able to look back on this summer as a defining era for me, and it will be worthy of celebration.

That was the plan, and thus far it's been exactly what's happened. I finally got my Berkshire Toys (bike and kayak), I built the porch, I've done lots of small projects on the house. My next step is one that I expect will cleanse my life's palate, allowing me to move forward with my life almost entirely unfettered by some of my pasts major goofs. If all goes well.

For some time now, I have been of the impression that my own inability to tie up loose ends has been holding me back. With one of the loose ends being a porch (recently approved), I can feel the momentum shifting. Alas there are more that require my attention. Now is the time to lash those loose ends and tighten my sails (I have no idea if my nautical reference makes the least bit of sense). You'll all be kept posted as details are cleared for public release. Until then, keep sending your positive thoughts my way.

And your money.

Damn, got that out of the way

With that being said, I have to confess that I have become an ice cream junkie. At no point in my day do I find myself without a desire for the delicious dairy confection. Even after a post ice cream binge of smorgasbord proportions I do not find my ice cream dreams sated.

Just this past weekend I "just finished the last little bit" of two tubs of ice cream. Since that could be (and was) considered an act of public service, I felt I deserved a treat. "Hmm, how about a bowl of that new tub of ice cream?" methought to meself. "Sure, you just cleaned the freezer. Go ahead and enjoy a nice heaping bowl of Moose Tracks." Needless to say, after that bowl I had to even out the top of the ice cream so that it didn't spill over when I replaced the lid. That held me over for about 2 hrs when I returned to the scene of the crime for that well-deserved second round. All in all I probably consumed somewhere on the order of 18 Imperial gallons of ice cream that day.

Now, my penance for such gluttony was to run myself ragged both literally and figuratively. I did run, and it dug me halfway out of hell, but I also kayaked and biked just to make sure I was in the clear. After that, I felt safe to enjoy one of life's little rewards - a bowl of ice cream.

I am a junkie and when I grow up I want to be on the ice cream wagon. Until then I'll happily fall off that wagon over and over again. Bless you miniature Reese Cups for breaking my fall.

Over and Out,
Old Coot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, you know all ice cream does is fill in the cracks, right?

And word up re house projects enabling one to move on in life.

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre