Happy 4th of July Coot Fans! It's about 2:30 and I am ready for a nap. This morning was the Pittsfield Independence Run, a 5k held directly before the parade. As we waited for the race to start, everyone was dripping with sweat. It was in the 80s by 8:30 and mad muggy. I've noticed lately that if I run in the humid weather, I not only have a hard time but I also get terrible side cramps. Such was the case today.
We piled into the starting area, somewhat in order of ability. There wasn't much in the way of pre-race fanfare, just the cops directing everyone to the starting "line", then the starting pistol. And off we went.
Then everyone ran into the person in front of him or her. Everyone tries to start at the same time and when they realize that you can't really run in a cattle pack, they stop. Then the domino effect results in quite the comical pileup. Unfortunately, one guy did take a spill and seemed to be scraped up pretty bad. He came in 3rd place, so I don't feel too badly for him.
At what I assume is a mile into the race, a guy was yelling out everyone's time. It could have been handy if it meant anything to me. I knew what I was looking to do in terms of pace, but after one mile you aren't "settled into your pace", so you can't really adjust yet. The people on the sides were pretty neat, cheering and hollering for people they knew. I didn't know any of them. Actually, I knew a few but not well enough that I would yell out to them, and one I could have done without ever seeing. Don't bother trying to guess who this person is, it's not who you're thinking.
ANYWAY, I busted tail to the finish line a tad too early. I misguessed the distance to the finish line since you have to turn a few corners before you get there. At the end I felt like hell; between the thick air and the empty stomach I thought I was going to boot. I wasn't the only one who felt that way, I found, as we commiserated in the post-race sprinklers they had set up. One guy actually did boot right at the finish.
In conclusion, I finished in 22:33 with a pace of 7:16. Not bad for my first 5k! My goal was to finish under an 8-minute mile and I'd say I did that handsomely. My running chums were very supportive of my time, as I have improved immensely in the last few months.
I didn't win any trophies or anything like that but I wasn't expecting to. Those go to people who finish in more like 16-17:00. I think with a little practice I might be able to get there someday, but the Cootster ain't a competitor. I run for fun and for sanity. If I pressure myself with race times and crap like that I'll lose focus of my original goal - to not go crazy.
In a related story, there's a midnight race this weekend that has tickled my fancy. It's another 5k up between Williamstown, MA and Bennington, VT. It starts at 12:00AM on what I guess is technically Sunday; HOW FUN! I'm going to try and scare up some folks to join me so I don't have to run it alone. I'll have to work on staying up late if I'm going to make it until midnight, let alone be able to run a race at that hour. Then, there's another one in a few weeks that has also tickled my fancy. I'm looking into that one, but odds are I'm going to do that one too. Damn, these things are addictive.
In an unrelated story, the building inspector gave me the final thumb's up on the porch. The saga has ended. I have to go tomorrow to pick up a copy of the officially signed permit for your viewing pleasure. I also want to clarify with the inspector that I don't have to go to court, since tomorrow is my court date. He told me if I finished on time I wouldn't have to go, but I don't have that in writing and I'd hate for a misunderstanding to lead to my arrest. Ha ha.
But for real.
Well, readers, I think it might be time for the Coot Doggy Dogg to take an Independence Day nap. I've been running myself ragged as of late and I feel that I deserve a hot porch nap. I'll holler at y'all later.
Over and Out,
Old Coot
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Independence Day Update
Posted by Todd at 2:26 PM
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