Monday, February 13, 2006

Welcome One and All

This is my first entry at this new blogging wonderland. I hope to see some familiar faces here - people who have followed me from livejournal - and maybe some new faces. For the newbies ... I always welcome comments and ask only that you keep them original. For example, you don't need to tell me any of the following in your comments, as they are implied:

  • You're a loser
  • This is why you can't find a woman
  • That's why your hair is falling out
  • Why can't you grow some hair
  • You're such a dumbass
  • You're such a cheap bastard
  • You drive a mom-mobile (refer to #1 and #2)

You get the point. Although impled, comments on my nerdiness and geekitude are still welcome.

Get your read on!

-Old Coot


Anonymous said...

How do I get my read on? There's nothing to read yet!!! Man, you cheap, hairless, no woman gettin', mom-mobile driving, dumbass loser... POST A BLOG ALREADY (psss... read in all caps as yelling).

The Commish
HECOW Anonymous

Todd said...

Just so you all know, HECOW is a known hater. He hates on me because he's secretly jealous of all things Coot-ish. Plus reading my blog is the highlight of his pathetic day, so if it doesn't take up enough time he whines like a little girl who didn't get a pony for Christmas.

Hate hate hate.

-Old Coot

RackmanT said...

Just a test. But you still are a loser.
The Real Todd

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre