Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Warning - Complaints Inside

Man, today started off so well. I did some good stuff at work; I actually stopped and congratulated myself. "That was a damn fine job you did there O.C." After that, the whole day went to schlock. I have this perma-cramp I was telling y'all about earlier that has been reminding me all day that even if you start to do something good, you still have this damn cramp. Damn.

So, now that you've clicked on the link I really don't have a lot to say. This week has been bumming me out something fierce. I'm not sure what the reason is, but I hope I can put my finger on it soon. As you may have noticed, I've been coping by throwing myself into my running. Karma, being the she-son-of-a-bitch that she is, throws perma-cramps right back at me. Dammit Karma, let me have my one vice (besides coffee).

I went to the LotL race tonight with the hopes of being able to run. I started off very strong and felt like I could really hold up that pace (which would have been a PB - personal best - for me) until Karma reached out and Judo-chopped me right in the gut. I stood hunched over on the side of the road trying to coerce the needles out of my torso. Worst... cramp... ever. I've never had my entire torso cramp up at once, and if you haven't I don't suggest you try it. I'm talking belt to collar. I finished out the run at a more modest pace chanting "Musn't... have... DNF... next to... name". DNF = Did Not Finish. It was still a good time, but I felt like ass afterwards.

Well, maybe I can get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight; I haven't been able to get to sleep lately. It's not that I can't sleep, it's just that I'm not tired. Correction - Night Coot is not tired, Morning Coot is exhausted. I have to force myself to go to bed at 11-11:30, which for the record is way past my bedtime. At least it's almost the weekend, then I get a fresh clean week that I can only hope sucks less balls than this one.

Complaining session over.

Over and Out,
Old Coot


Mike said...

I love the expression "sucks less balls"... implying that your typical week still involves some ball sucking. Not that I'm judging.... it's just funny.

Todd said...

Mike, I dare you to unveil yourself.

Now, the ball sucking was in reference to how my usual week is, not what I do during a typical week. I just wanted to clear that up. For clarity: the week sucked balls, I did not.

Ha ha, read on players.

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre