Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Trails, Toenails, Ales and Smails (smells)

Boy, it's Hump Day already here for Coot-a Kinte. No, I'm not a former slave or even a current slave, just a white collar white dude (a slave in another sense, I guess). Currently, my collar is blue but that's just how the wardrobe worked out. Anyway, I am sore in places that I didn't even know had muscles and I'm not exactly sure why. What I do know is that your lungs can't supply your muscles with enough oxygen when you just gave blood.

Stupid Ribs

Take for example the spot beneath, but superficial to my bottommost left rib. I'll give you a second to figure that out...

The spot that hurts when you're out of shape and try to run too fast. Well I don't consider myself to be out of shape, but that spot is killing me today. It feels like a cramp even as I sit here typing. There's even a knot there like you get in your shoulder or thigh. All I know is that I have the Live on the Lake race tonight, so I guess I'll be running injured. Suh-weet. Plus my right index toenail is blackening nicely. It's my first black toenail so I was sure to brag about it during my first run last night. Everyone "awwww"ed like I was cutting my first tooth. Like throwing up at the end of a race I guess it's a rite of running passage. Check and check.

Teetotaling Total

In other news, yesterday marked the 18 month anniversary of me getting on the proverbial wagon. I was planning on giving everyone the full story, but then I thought it might sound too much like I was looking for pity, which I'm not. Plus I know that some of you don't like to hear about how great everything is, so I'll tuck the story away for my grandkids.

I planned on doing something nice for myself but like every other event in life I forgot. Like your mother's birthday, you remember every single day until the last week when you should be buying/sending a gift/card. Then when you remember again it's too late. It wasn't until after my "easy 5-miler" in Pittsfield State Forest with the Crazy Running Group that I remembered. Lacking pie, cake, noise-makers, other people, balloons and clowns I decided to take myself for a celebratory run. I peeled off my muddy clothes (that's a whole nother story) and changed into fresh running gear, plugged into my iPod, pounded some water and a ClifBar and hit the streets. I had told CPG that I might stop by and check her out at volleyball, so that's where I headed. Apparently she didn't get the message, so I was met with a less-than-enthusiastic "Oh, what are you doing here?" greeting. AWKWARD! (sung by Georgia Mass Choir). I hung for a few minutes, just long enough to get the hint and headed for home.

It turns out that the volleyball courts at the Softball Complex are further from my house than I thought. After the "5" miles on trails - which had to be much more because it took an hour and a half - I wasn't prepared for another 5.5 - 6 miles on the roads. Oh well, it's a celebration bitches.

Dinner and Binners

When I got home, I hooked up a strawberry/peach/orange smoothie for dinner. While cleaning up the dishes I found out that I had melted the lid of a Nalgene bottle to the heating element in bottom of the dishwasher. Sweet, I think the only way to get it off is to heat it back up and pull it off. That should smell delicious! I took pictures but failed to upload them to the PC, you'll have to wait for those.

I was so irked about that, I just gave up and drowned my sorrows into a bowl of peanut butter cup ice cream. No, first was the nachos then the ice cream. I was low on calories and salt, so I felt justified. A little TV with my lap cat (Binners) and I was off to bed.

That's all I have to say about that.

Over and Out,
Old Coot

1 comment:

Abbey said...

So, are we to understand that CPG has managed to thwart the authorities in her native land and return to the US of A?

And congratulations on your 18 months. It's been a whole new you... only with all the old good parts... plus lots of new ones!

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre