Sunday, July 15, 2007

Back by Unpopular Demand

Alright people, here's the skinny... I've been away from ye olde blogge for some time now and as I sit here with no e-mail to read I'm thinking it's time to catch urrbody up on what I've been up to.

So What Have You Been Doing?

Well, whenI last rapped at you, I was probably in the midst (or post midst) of installing my windows. Those are long since finished, but with repainting on the inside left.

Hmm, I was probably running a lot. Nowadays I've been pouring my sweat and tears into my bike and kayak, as my hamstring has been causing me undue agony. I'm still running, just not nearly as much or as fast :( I got whipped by old people at the 4th of July 5k here in P-field. The weather was perfect, I was rested, I had on some comfy clothes, a pretty lady talked to me (married with children, wouldn't you know), and so on. I certainly could have done better, but I kept it just below the hamstring tearing threshold.

Biking, or cycling as I will refer to it from here on out, has been my cross-training activity of choice. I'm planning on IronManning the Josh Billings Runaground this September (I need a couple of support crew members if there are any takers). Today, for sh!ts and gr!ns, I rode the course route (plus an 11-mile warmup to get to the starting line) and it was a sumbitch. We were able to average a little over 17 MPH, which is no Team Discovery, but we're not pros either. The hills we had to ride were killers; just long enough to screw with my newly learned hill climbing techniques. BUT, I had my new Curious George cycling jersey on so I at least looked good panting up those hills.

Before you ask, yes I said Curious George and yes I looked good in it. A woman wearing lycra was quoted saying "I wondered what kind of guy could pull that jersey off. It figures that you could." Afterwards, a guy I ride/run with was quoted saying "The way your chest hair sticks out of the front of your shirt reminds me of a show I saw last night." I zipped it up. He was referring to 40 Year Old Virgin. I'm no Steve Carrell, but I guess I've had my share of black coffee.

I Don't Take Requests

After my last hiatus, people kept crying at my feet, thanking me for blogging again. They would then point out things that I so could blog about. It's not that I'm annoyed by it, because I'm not, but I like to think I have creative control over my blog. I don't want to pull a Dave Chappelle, but people trying to get me to blog about their stuff makes it hard for me to get my word out. Plus, if someone suggests something I was already going to write about, out of principle I have to not write about it because then it doesn't seem like my idea. So please, no requests.

There, enough about that crap. I do appreciate the attention though.

Hey, I Thought You Were Going on Vacation

If you thought this, you were right. I am in fact, going to the Orient to visit my sister later this week. I'm trying to be calm yet excited about it, but I'm sure when the time comes I'll be a nervous wreck. I'm trying to think about it like I'm going to visit her in California (or wherever) but with a longer flight. That way it doesn't seem so big and scary. What can I say, I've never traveled internationally and certainly never on my own.

Since my sister requested (demanded) that I blog about Japan during my trip as well as after it, I'm not going to. Actually, maybe I will. I might have to bum her computer though, cuz I won't have mine with me. Which reminds me, has anyone seen the freaking battery charger for my camera batteries? I can't find that thing anywhere.

Busting a Gut

I learned the other day that paddling a kayak should not require a lot of arm strength. That's good cuz it borders on illegal when I unholster my guns. Instead, what you're supposed to do is hold your arms still and pull with your abs and back, with your arms just along for the ride. Now, like most Americans I love a good abdominal workout, but an hour straight of those twisting crunches would kick anyones ass. I took it easy the first time out and thought for sure I would die afterwards. Now I've gone a few times and it's no better. Carrying the kayak back to the car and back to the sawhorses where I store it takes all I've got after a good paddling; the obliques are spent.

Check Engine Light

One last thing. I gave in and took my car to a mechanic the other week to have it fixed. It was the O2 sensor, just like I thought, but the work involved made the effort not worth the $100 I had to pay someone else to do it (plus parts, of course). Now, the Check Engine Light is off!

I almost miss the little guy.

Over and Out,
Old Coot

1 comment:

Abbey said...

Oh, joyous day! The Toot has blessed us with a posting!

In other news, I'm excited that you're coming. And I'll be at the airport waiting for you, so you'll never be left alone once you get through customs!

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre