Friday, April 25, 2008

One Helluva Day

Cooterinos and Cooteristas, I had one hell of a day. I am absolutely pooped, and not from what you're probably guessing. It all started when I played hookey from work...

People Watching for Breakfast

I had breakfast this morning with a friend of mine and we sat out in the sun drinking our coffee and watching all the people. Not too shabby.

Holy Oke!

Sorry, that heading might be a hair lame. After breakfast meant a trip out to the Holyoke mall to check out iMacs at the Apple store. I've been eyeing the iMacs for some time now, partly because I'm somewhat of a sucker for cool looking electronics, but mostly because I am sick and tired of Windows-based computers and their penchant for suck-assery.

I originally thought I'd get a laptop again, but after marinating on it for a few days I felt that the iMac was more up my alley. It's small, as in not a big ass tower and CRT monitor, yet has more power and a bigger display than a laptop. The next question to answer was whether I needed the 20" or the 24" model. That was the real reason for going to the Apple store, to see the difference. It's a good thing I did, because the 24" jobber was way too big for what I need.

Trader Joe's is the Bomb

A drive all the way to Holyoke calls for a stop at Trader Joe's for some quality groceries. I loaded up a cooler with frozen goods, and a few more bags with the remainder of my sundries. I'll be eating like a king for weeks now. Well, a king who eats veggie burritos.

Then I Pulled the Trigger

When I got home I was absolutely whooped from spending the whole day out in the sun (minus the hour or so I was in the stores). I gathered up all of my energy, plus some Trader Joe's brownie bites, and ordered a refurbed iMac. It'll be here next week!

After the heavy day of spending I had to rassle up enough energy to run 7 miles. I had to do 10 yesterday, most of which was on trails, so my gams were beat. I'm glad I forced myself to get out there but I'm also happy to be back home.

The next question: smoothie or veggie burrito?

Over and Out,
Old Coot

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just bought a refurb Macbook recently. The hard drive died a week after I had it but Apple overnighted a box to me, replaced it, and sent it overnight air back. So I can't complain too much there.

Easy-E is becoming increasingly technologically frustrated in his old age! I compared the price of a Mac to the price of a new LCD after I put my fist through it because of Windows Vista. The decision was simple after that. Think you made a good move, IMHO.

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre