Tuesday, November 06, 2007

List of Things To Do: Update

Hey guys. I was just perusing my Olde Blogge (remember the blog I had before I came here to Blogger?) and I stumbled upon a list I made on January 11, 2006. I had been inspired by a popular television show to come up with a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 30. I still have plenty of time, but I thought I'd check in and see how I'm doing.

The List

  1. Run a marathon
  2. Take a bike trip somewhere far (not a day trip)
  3. Throw a huge party
  4. Get married
  5. Have people genuinely cheer for me
  6. Work at a coffee shop
  7. Take a cruise
  8. Have somebody work for me
  9. Be mentioned in a magazine
  10. Skydive
  11. Rescue a Damsel in Distress
  12. Get my ass kicked by a woman (not the Damsel, preferably)
  13. Travel outside of North America
  14. Grow a vegetable garden
Okay, let's take a look at these one at a time:

  1. Run a marathon - Haven't done it yet, but I have plans in the works.
  2. Take a bike trip somewhere far - I assume this means further than a day trip. Haven't done it yet, but I would still love to.
  3. Throw a huge party - Nope
  4. Get married - Negatory and highly unlikely at this point. This is a dumb goal anyway, probably part of the reason we have a 50% divorce rate in this country.
  5. Have people genuinely cheer for me - Well, at the Brock Trot I had people cheering for me (although, they didn't know my name). As I got closer to the finish line they really started cheering, and it seemed genuine. I'm taking credit.
  6. Work at a coffee shop - Nope. I think this is more of a lifetime goal anyway, not a "by 30" goal. I wouldn't put it on the list if I rewrote it today.
  7. Take a cruise - Nope, and probably won't happen. Again, not a real "by 30" goal anyway.
  8. Have somebody work for me - Not yet, but maybe soon.
  9. Be mentioned in a magazine - Nope, but I've been in the paper several time. Wait, I was in Berkshire Living magazine, but only in a picture and they spelled my name wrong. I'm taking credit.
  10. Skydive - I'm thinking next summer for this one.
  11. Rescue a Damsel in Distress - Hmm, tried once but she was a bitch anyway. I'll take credit but it's not exactly what I had in mind.
  12. Get my ass kicked by a woman (not the Damsel, preferably) - Still working.
  13. Travel outside of North America - Done! Went to Japan this past summer.
  14. Grow a vegetable garden - Damn, still haven't done this.
Conclusion: I've achieved only 3 of the goals. If I remove the ones I think are dumb (or at least have no place on this list) that's 3 out of 11, still not a good number. Some of them are not necessarily under my control (getting ass kicked by a woman), and some I truly think I'll be able to fit in during the next year. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Over and Out,
Old Coot


Maven said...

I'll kick your ass.

Todd said...

You know, my sister offered the same services the first time I put up my list. I haven't had any takers on any other items, just the ass kicking.

I accept your offer. If we ever cross paths I expect a proper ass-kicking.

Anonymous said...

Our friend Odeh is going to accomplish something HUGE right around the time he turns 30. He is going to be a father. Crazy...

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre