Monday, October 08, 2007

Just a Quickie

It's getting late, so I'm just gonna bless y'all with a quick recap of my fantastic day.

Clean, Clean, Clean

When I got home today my #1 goal was to clean the bottom panel of the oven manually, reassemble the oven and kick it off in self-clean mode. After that I was supposed to clean up all of the dishes that have been piling up since I hogged the whole sink with oven panels.

While the dishwasher and oven ran their course, I planned on doing my weekly grocery shopping, after which I would eat dinner, run the vacuum and then hit the sack.

Well, I did get so far as to clean the oven, empty and fill the dishwasher and get to the grocery store. When I got home from the grocery store I thought to myself "Hmmm, I remember punching in a hundred produce codes, yet I have no produce." Yup, I left a bag at the store. Off I headed back to the store to get my shit. Sonofabitch.

On the way, the cop who was last sighted pulling over a UPS truck pulled out behind me. Super, not only did I have to drive all the way back to the store but I had to do it at the speed limit. Thankfully though, when I walked into the store the kid manning the self-checkout flashed a "You're a dumbass" smile and handed me my goods. I wasn't crazy, there was produce.

Back at the ranch I put the dishes away, whipped up some dinner, scarfed it down and here I am.

Not very exciting.

Pulled Over in the Rain?

I mentioned earlier that I was followed by the cop who had last been seen pulling over a UPS truck. I found this funny for two reasons, first of which was since when do UPS trucks go anywhere near the speed limit? The second was that it was POURING out, and the cop was out there in the downpour handing over a citation. The poor bastard must have been really hurting to write some tickets, which is why when he pulled out behind me I made damn sure I stayed below the limit. The rain gave me an excuse to be going so slowly, and if going BACK to the store wasn't enough of a kick in the neck, a ticket would have been the follow-up kick to the balls.

Cooterinos, that's all I have for you. It's late and I need to get some beauty rest. I'll holler at y'all later.

Over and Out,
Old Coot

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"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre