Sunday, April 15, 2007

Homebrew for the Caffeineaholic

As I mentioned in my post from about 15 minutes ago, I have been enjoying the fruits of my new espresso machine. I'd like to take a minute to tell you about it.

Me Like Moka, A-Latte

After doing some extensive research, I found the Moka Express, a stovetop espresso maker they claim is found in every kitchen in Italy. Maybe not this brand, but at least this style. What's best is that many reviewers claim this makes the best espresso of any espresso maker under $500. And it only set me back $20!

You add water to the bottom, grounds to the funnel-looking filter, screw it together and put some heat to it. In about 5 minutes you have 6 delicious cups of espresso (6-1.5 oz cups, that is).

Once brewed, you can add frothed hot milk for a delicious cappuccino/latte or drink it straight up. I'm not hardcore enough to drink it straight up, but in a latte it is deLISH.

Where do you get frothed milk? you may ask. I have at my disposal an electric milk frother. It's a little spinning whisk akin to the one in the picture below. In about 15 seconds it whips your hot milk into frothy form, which you pour over your espresso. Top with the foam from the frothed milk and you have a barista quality drink right in your own kitchen. YUM!

So anyway, that's what I've been up to this morning. In fact, I think I'm going to make some more.

Over and Out,
Old Coot


Abbey said...

Toodler, good to see you back and posting. I was worried what I would read this morning should you not have stepped up to the plate.
Those espresso makers can indeed be found in the kitchens of Italy - Maria's family uses them on a regular basis.

Todd said...

Word up. You know that if Maria's family uses them they must be authentic. And, based on a sample size of one I'll make the claim that every household in Italy has one.

Maven said...

In case anyone's interested, both the frother and the espresso pot can be had at IKEA--IKEA versions, of course. Plus also the frother is only 1 dollar fitty. Or at least it was when I bought it.

"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre