Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas 2007 (Part II)

As I mentioned in my last post, I had my little notebook with me to jot down some notes and observations while I drove. It's easy to say "Oh, I'm gonna blog about that", but when you finally sit down you can never remember the subtle details that made the moment for you. Yup, the mini notebook is pretty handy to have in the car.

So Lonely

There's something about sitting in a car for six hours, alone with one's own thoughts to reinforce the fact that one is sitting in one's car for six hours, alone with one's thoughts. Driving during the day helps because you can make eye contact with other drivers, look into and judge their vehicles and belongings and somewhat connect with them, albeit briefly. When you don't leave until the sun has almost set, you're just another stranger on the highway.

Now, combine that loneliness with the idea of millions of good Americans wearing the latter of the Easter and Christmas Best, attending candlelight services at their church of choice, while I'm sitting alone in the Chittenango rest area dining on the remains of that day's deep dish veggie pizza. I overheard one employee explaining to someone that they'd be closing early because nobody's out on the road on Christmas Eve. "Ahem, I'm sitting right here!"

I took that piece of information as a warning that there would be no more rest areas for the rest of my drive. They were out of coffee and the sugar buzz from the dozen or so Christmas cookies I ate for brunch was quickly wearing off. I tried to buy a few Diet Cokes from a vending machine, but it wouldn't take my money. Ruh-roh!

The Wind was A-Howlin'

Despite the utter lack of snow along my drive, the wind more than made up for it. Several times I found myself behind a semi with a double trailer dog-tracking down the road. Once, the rear wheels of the rear trailer were on the other side of the rumble strip and the whole thing was in this double jack-knife position. I thought for sure the thing was going to wreck. I had my lens cap off just in case.

When the driver straightened it out, I dropped the hammer and whipped by him to avoid being tied up in any future wrecks. Oh Lesbaru, thou art so fleet of feet.

The Stow Away

Remember that stuffed squirrel that showed up on my desk? Well, apparently he wanted to shuffle off to Buffalo, so he stowed away in one of my bags. His name is Montgomery, quite fitting of a squirrel of his worldly nature.

Here is a picture of him looting my Christmas stocking.

And, as if that wasn't naughty enough, here he is climbing the Christmas Tree. Thank God he didn't knock the Mom's Favorite ornament off!

My Sick Kitty

When I left, my youngest cat was a little under the weather. He had thrown up several times but he's no stranger to throwing up so it was not a huge deal. When I got home from Buffalo things were a little different.

Vinny had continued throwing up for probably several days until all that was left in his poor tummy was bright green bile, which he deposited on the kitchen floor and the fold-out couch cushions. He wouldn't eat or drink and I started to panic.

I'm going to leave this as a bit of a cliff-hanger for now. I will tell you that he seems to be back to his normal self after several days of constant care from The Cat Master (me). He's been eating solid food a little at a time, and drinking Pedialyte to help get his electrolytes back up after all that vomiting.

It was a close call for sure; many cats won't start eating again once they've stopped for a few days. I think that was the main contributor to Thorey's death a few years back, so you can see why I took it so seriously.

Over and Out,
Old Coot

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"Something inside of me just said 'Hey, wait a minute, I want to beat him.' and I just took off." -Pre