Looking for information on Bright Green Cat Vomit? I've been getting a lot of hits from people searching for those keywords. There's information you may find helpful below, please read on.
Over the Hump
If you didn't already know the story, my cat Vinny was sick while I was away for Christmas. When I got home I found he had thrown up everywhere and when his cat belly was empty he threw up some more. In case someone with a similar problem stumbles upon this post, I'll tell you what I saw and what I had to do.The scary think I saw was the bright green vomit on the couch. Yeah, sucks to be my couch (white, no less) but I freaked out. The first thing I thought of was antifreeze which is poisonous to animals but, oh so sweet (yeah, I've had some and it's delicious). A little research and I found it was not antifreeze (since there was none he could get into) but rather bile. Better, but not good.
Vin was also not himself. He was lethargic, had no appetite and I thought he felt very skinny. All three are very uncharacteristic of this particular cat.
The next day I picked up some (unflavored) Pedialyte and a baby syringe (no needle) to force feed him the Pedialyte. He was clearly dehydrated so that was my first priority.
A few years back I had to put a cat down (RIP Thor) who lost too much weight too fast, and developed "Fatty Liver Disease" so after getting Vinny hydrated I got to work trying to get him to eat anything. I tried tuna, tuna water, Lactaid (lactose free milk), wet cat food, and what worked best was wet cat food smashed up with a mortar and pestle, with some of the Lactaid mixed in. He would only lick the sauce off the food, so I used the milk to fortify the little bit of sauce he was "eating".
The Vet Visit
In between feedings and waterings I called the vet. For whatever reason they didn't have any of my cats (or me) on file. I've had three cats go through that vet for all sorts of reasons, but they didn't find me. Because of this, she couldn't squeeze me in. I made an appointment for Monday (today), crossed my fingers and kept a close eye on the little guy.This morning, I awoke to a half a foot of snow on the ground, so I fed and watered the cats and set to work clearing the snow so I could get Vinny to his appointment on time. With plenty of time to spare I got the driveway cleared, Vinny loaded into his carrier (always a treat) and into the car.
The vet ran through the usual checks which were fine to a friendly cat like Vinny except for the temperature reading. Since cats aren't known to hold still while you take their temperature orally, they have to do it the (ahem) other way. I got to hold him while she did this, and if you've ever walked in on a cat taking a dump you know the face they get; this was the same. He was clearly unhappy with the arrangement.
His temperature was fine.
Next she started in on the teeth and gums. One peek and she saw he had some bad teeth, gingivitis and some sort of spot I equate with that thing you get on your cheek that you keep biting, making it worse. There was blood present and when she went to swab it, he hissed at her. I've never in my life seen him hiss for any reason at all, and the Dr. went to get backup. Since they had no records she couldn't be sure his rabies shots were up to date, and I don't blame her for being cautious.
I had to leave him for an hour or so while they did the full up blood work on him, gave him fluids/vitamins/antacids under his skin and gave him a pre-anesthesia checkout. He has to go back next week to have some dental work done, which she thought might be a tooth extraction or two. The poor guy has to take antibiotics on the daily between now and then (plus for a bit after) which she says taste AWFUL, so that should be a treat for me.
End Result - For Now
So it seems that the problem this whole time has been a couple of bad teeth. His weight is okay, his blood work is normal all around except for one thing which she thought is due to his slight dehydration. His liver is fine (no fatty liver disease!), he isn't diabetic (or pre diabetic) and his white blood cells are good. After the dental work he should be back to normal!So all of this for the low, low price of about one week's pay. But, like my mother tells me I should be thankful to have that week's pay to shell out. Word up mom. Plus I got to escort him around town on my new tires that cost me another week's pay. I'm thankful to have the week's pay to shell out for those too.
Happy New Year everyone. Be safe and stay tuned, I think '08 is gwanta be the bomb! I have a feeling about it, so you can pretty much take that to the bank!
Over and Out,
Old Coot
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